Get rewarded with NuSep
Simply sign up and you'll start earning 1 point for every $1 you spend on anything in our store. Work your way up to becoming a Gold Member and you'll be earning 2x points for every $1 spent.

Rewards are set up like rebates. Once you reach 1,000 point you may choose to redeem them on things like a $200 NuSep Store Credit which can be used to purchase anything in our store, or you may decide to select one of our products to redeem on instead. You may also decide to continue saving these points for the gel buffet.

Outsider points
If you're a registered gel club member and have purchased nuview gels through a different channel, simply fill out this form to retrieve your points. Once matched with our database your account will be granted these points.
Gel Buffet
Once you've reached Gold status and have accumulated 20,000 points you may redeem them for a gel buffet ticket. With this ticket, you'll be provided with gels as needed with no further charges for the rest of the year, all you need to pay is shipping and handling.
*Please allow 2-3 business days to receive the ticket for the Gel Buffet
**The year starts from when you sign up as a gel club member and that is the date that will be used to calculate the Gel Buffet in subsequent years.
To continue enjoying the Gel Buffet you need to earn an additional 20,000 Points within the year.
** Membership is limited to individual labs and US customers
For friend referrals, your friend must make a purchase in order to receive the 100 points
To share on social media(facebook, twitter, or linkedin) use the hashtag "#nusepgelclub" so we can track the post
*** Membership is not transferable and cannot be shared, violators will be held accountable according to our Membership Policy
For more detailed information check out our Membership Guide or contact us at ecom@nusep.com.